The app is so wonderfull for developing with IONIC framework
ernestoVerified Purchase
8 months agoVE
for Customizability / Flexibility
I'm very satisfied with this product
vishalVerified Purchase
a year agoIndia
for Design
Indeed a great theme.
terryVerified Purchase
a year agoUS
for Documentation
I've found this template to be a great starting point for learning how to use Ionic in a full application. Although I am only taking bits and pieces of the actual code, the documentation has been very helpful and insightful in how to structure my application.
mohammedVerified Purchase
a year agoJO
(*)(*)(*)( )( )
for Bugs
Sorry, the app can't build APK android when delete and using add android platrform then sync build. i think there is somthing bug when try to connect mobile on android studion and run the app.
Learn how to master Angular Routing and Ionic Navigation. Loading Stategies. Router Guards. Route Resolvers. App Shells. This tutorial also includes Usability tricks you can add to your Ionic Framework Apps to make them look even better!
Ionic Framework is a step forward for Progressive Web Apps. In this ionic tutorial you will learn what are Progressive Web Apps, why you should definitely consider them for your next project, and also how easy is to build a complete and production ready PWA with Ionic.
Web Components? Shadow DOM? CSS Variables? Stencil? Understanding the new components architecture in Ionic. In this Ionic tutorial we will cover everything from styling and customizing Ionic Components, to building custom Web Components with Stencil and then use them in your Ionic projects (or any other framework, as Web Components are framework agnostic!).
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