Great Value
Countless hours of top designers and engineers spent crafting multiple UI screens and features to fit diverse use cases to speed up your project.
Use Ionic starter templates and save your valuable time!
Our premium starters will help you jump-start your
Ionic app development.
Beautiful designs. Professional code.
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Easy to customize for your project needs.
IONIC Notifications
There are different types of notifications that can be displayed within an app. For example, we can have a list with the user latest notifications or messages.
Also, we have Push notifications, one of the most important techniques to make our product or service more re-engageable.
Push Notifications are normal in native apps such as iOS and Android apps, allowing users to receive notifications when the app is closed. Good news, now we can send push notifications with PWAs!
The following Ionic themes include notifications pages that you can reuse in your own app! Learn how to add push notifications with Ionic.
Countless hours of top designers and engineers spent crafting multiple UI screens and features to fit diverse use cases to speed up your project.
Don’t settle with defaults. Get our clean, easy-to-use templates with meaningful features and wide-ranging customization that will become enablers for your next project. Will do wonders for your bottom line.
Don’t waste time stripping bloated JavaScript libraries and custom build tools. We use the essential third party tools to provide great features and stick to each framework build tools and best practices.