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UI Skeletons, Ghost Elements, Shell Elements, they are all the same, and I bet you probably heard any of these concepts before. And even if you didn't, I'm sure you have seen this pattern in many of the apps you use daily.

Think of Shell Elements as cool content placeholders that are shown where the content will eventually be once it becomes available. One of the main goals of the skeleton components is to improve the perceived performance.

An App Shell Architecture is useful for getting some initial HTML to the screen fast, typically the skeleton of your UI, but likely does not contain any real data. It should not block page transitions.

Acknowledging the importance of Shell Components, we built a set of beautiful and handy Ionic Skeleton components for text and images that you can reuse in your own apps.

In the following tutorials you can learn how to use these Ionic Skeleton Components to improve the perceived performance of your app.

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